Helping you to find balance in your life
As a holistic therapist I look beyond your physical symptoms to work with the whole body in supporting your health.
Both Reflexology and Gentle Release Therapy can help you through the deep restorative relaxation you feel, both during the treatment and afterwards, lowering stress levels and increasing the feeling of wellness.
Both treatments are linked with Traditional Chinese Medicine (also known as TCM) which is thousands of years old, its basic concept is that a vital force of life called Qi, flows through the body. Any imbalance to Qi can exacerbate illness, as therapists we work to bring back the balance within the body and restore the sense of wellbeing.

Reflexology for you
An modern twist on an ancient therapy
Using a variety of reflexology techniques to aid relaxation but also for those struggling with inflammation I offer Reflexology Lymph Drainage, first introduced by the amazing Sally Kay. Her technique focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes, so encouraging the lymph to drain through the body, which in turn can lead to a reduction of inflammation and swelling in the limbs. This wonderful reflexology technique has shown brilliant results in those with Lymphodema and Auto Immune Disease's such as Lipodema.
Chi Medics Post Recovery and Release Points techniques, combine the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupressure points with reflexology to help the the body struggling with illness. It can help recovery from respiratory illness including chronic fatigue, Fibromialga, post operative recovery, auto-immune and inflammatory conditions, it may also benefit those who have had or who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Reflexology for your baby and child
Natural Touch
It is through touch we first communicate with our children. When our children are distressed we want to help relieve their anguish. Baby reflexology can be given from birth and aims to identify and release blockages in the flow of energy in the body.
it encourages the release of toxins.
it supports baby's growth and development
it helps to balance baby's immune system and digestion and can help to alleviate colic
it can calm and relax baby to aid sleep
it helps with bonding

A powerful yet gentle therapy
Let your body and mind release tension and stress...
..that you didn't even know you had...
...to an extent you may have never experienced before...
...so gentle you don't even need to know what you are letting go of...
Drawing o the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine
A bespoke treatment allowing the body to release what it needs to in the session that can benefit a range of problems including,:
Muscular issues, aches & pains
Insomnia and fatigue
Hormonal issues
Headaches & migraines
Skin problems
Anything worsened by stress......

A world beyond simply skincare
Enjoy all the benefits of Gentle Release Therapy with the added bonus of the ultimate soulful facial experience.
​Nourish and gently release tensions in your body, mind and soul whilst your face is lifted, sculpted, lines softened and skin plumped.
Based on the ancient Chinese principles of “Qi”, the Chinese word for “energy” which flows through everything in creation, EnerQi Facial Rejuvenation aims to harmoniously support the body’s energy whilst simultaneously providing facial skincare benefits.
View the Pilot Menopause study here
Helping you with the daily challenges of life.
Contact me to find out more about my approach and how I can help restore balance within you.

"Wounds don't heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to.
It takes time for wounds to fade into scars. It takes time for the process of healing to take place.
Give yourself that time. Give yourself that grace. Be gentle with your wounds. Be gentle with your heart. You deserve to heal." ~Dele Olanubi
Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN9
Blyth, Worksop, Notts, S81
And villages in between